Working with Bid History Profiles

A bid history profile is a collection of settings used to gather historical bid data for cost estimation purposes. When a bid history profile is selected during cost estimation, this collection of settings determines which historical bid data is included. For example, a bid history profile can indicate whether to include only bid data for proposals that have a given work type or use a selected spec book. A bid history profile can also indicate a range of dates so that bid data is included only for proposals that were let during that time period. Advanced parameters and filters can be used to identify data that matches exact characteristics. Source data for a Bid History Profile can also be pre-gathered to assist with pricing items. If a Bid History Profile has pre-gathered Source Data the pre-gathered data is used at the time of pricing. If a Bid History Profile does not have pre-gathered Source Data the data is gathered at the time of pricing. Your agency can create multiple bid history profiles that can be used for different types of pricing models and different types of projects.

For more information about Bid History Profile gathering options, see Data Gathering Options for a Bid History Profile.

The Bid History Profile Overview component displays a list of the reference bid history profiles recorded in the system. When a bid history profile is associated with a cost estimate, a copy of the profile is attached to the cost estimate and displayed on the User Bid History Profile Summary component, where it can be modified as needed for that cost estimate. Changes made to a user bid history profile do not affect the original bid history profile. See Maintaining a User Bid History Profile for more information.

To access the Overview, click the Bid History Profiles link in the Estimation component.

For each profile in the list, the system displays values in these fields:

To mark a bid history profile as the default for all newly created cost estimates, select the check box under the Item Default field. To mark a bid history profile as the default for the Typical Section Bid History Profile on all newly created Cost Estimates, select the check box under the Typical Section Default field. The cost estimate default and typical section default can be selected from different bid history profiles. Defaults are not required and will remain blank unless selected.

To enter or change the obsolete date, click in the Obsolete Date field and type a new date, or select one from the calendar.

To delete a bid history profile, select Delete from the Actions menu on the profile row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

Click the Save button when you are finished. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

To add a new bid history profile, select Add from the Actions menu on the component header. For more information, see Adding a Bid History Profile.

To view or change a bid history profile, either click the Bid History Profile link, or select Open from the Actions menu on the profile row. For more information, see Maintaining a Bid History Profile.

If you want to add a bid history profile that is similar to an existing profile, you can save time by copying the existing profile and then changing any details as needed. To copy a bid history profile, select Copy from the Actions menu on the profile row you want to copy. See Copying a Bid History Profile for more information.

Data Gathering Options for a Bid History Profile

Static: A Bid History Profile may have pre-gathered historical data when the Get Bid History Profile Source Data has been run for a Bid History Profile. This means that when pricing an item, the pricing service will use the pre-gathered Bid History associated with the Bid History Profile. When a Bid History Profile has pre-gathered historical data the Run Date will be populated on the General Tab of the Bid History Profile Summary and the Source Data Tab will contain the pre-gathered data.
Dynamic: A Bid History Profile may be used dynamically when pricing items. If a Bid History profile does not have pre-gathered Source Data, the data will be gathered at the time of pricing. When a Bid History Profile does not have pre-gathered Source Data the Run Data will be null on the General Tab of the Bid History Profile Summary and the Source Data will not contain any pre-gathered bid items.

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