Tracking Payment Estimate Approval Decisions

The Approval Tracking tab on the Contract Payment Estimate Summary lists rows of decision records for each approval level needed for the contract payment estimate. This list enables you to view the decisions and comments entered by all the users who are responsible for approving the payment estimate. The information displayed on this tab is for review and tracking purposes and cannot edited.

Each row includes an Actions button and read-only values in these fields:

The approval levels and associated user roles that are required to approve payment estimates on a contract are set up on the Payment Estimate Approval Levels Overview (see Maintaining Contract Payment Estimate Approval Levels). Depending on the current user's role and the status of the payment estimate, the status of an approval level decision record can be changed on the Contract Payment Estimate Summary (Changing the Status of a Payment Estimate) or the Payment Estimate Approval Decision Overview (see Making Payment Estimate Approval Decisions). When the status of an approval decision record is changed, the status and comments are updated on the Approval Tracking tab.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Contract Payment Estimate


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