Selecting Data for a Bid History Profile

The Data Selection tab on the Bid History Profile Summary enables you to select the types of proposal and item data that will be included in the pricing calculations. At the top of the tab, you can view or change values in these fields:

Click in a field and add, delete, or change values as needed. (If you enter the number of months, then you must leave the Start Letting Date and End Letting Date fields blank. In this case, the pricing model will use today’s date for the end letting date and subtract the number of months to determine the Start Letting Date. If you enter start and end letting dates, you must leave the Number of Months field blank. If you enter a start letting date and leave the end letting date blank, the pricing model will use today’s date as the end letting date.)

For the remaining fields on the Data Selection tab, you can enter one or more unique values as separate rows. You can enter values for each of the following fields:

For example, click the Improvement Type arrow, and select a value from the drop-down list. The system automatically adds another improvement type row, enabling you to select another value if needed.

To delete a newly added row, click the Delete button on that row.

To delete a saved row, click the Mark for Deletion button. To remove the mark for deletion, click the Undo button.

When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm your changes were saved.

Related topics:

Working with Bid History Profiles

Maintaining a Bid History Profile


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