Resolving Employee Mismatches

The Resolve Employee Mismatches component allows you to resolve mismatches between a payroll employee record and its corresponding reference employee record. For non-agency users, this component displays only the exceptions and employee mismatches that the agency has flagged for vendor review.

To access the Resolve Employee Mismatches component, you must first locate the payroll on the Contract Certified Payroll Overview or the Unapproved Certified Payroll Overview, and select Status from the Actions menu on the payroll's row. The Status component is displayed on the Certified Payroll Status page, which also includes the Contract component at the top of the page. If a payroll exception is due to a mismatch between a payroll employee record and its corresponding reference employee record, the Status component will include information in the Employee Mismatches section. Click the Rslvd Ind link to access the Resolve Employee Mismatches component.

The Employee Mismatch Resolution component subheader displays a list of employees with mismatches between the payroll employee and reference employee records. Click in the Mismatched Employees field and select an employee to resolve the mismatch.

Viewing Exception Details

The Exceptions section of the Resolve Employee Mismatches component displays the detail for the payroll exception, with current values for the following fields:


Correcting the Mismatch

The Payroll Employee Mismatch section provides a side-by-side comparison of the existing data in the Payroll Employee record and the Reference Employee record. For more information about the fields displayed, see Maintaining Payroll Employees and Adding a Reference Employee. see Maintaining Payroll Employees.

You can use this payroll employee data in two ways:

After correcting the mismatch, enter a comment in the Exceptions section, in the Resolution Comments field. Then, click the Save button.


Related topics:

Maintaining Payroll Status