In this Topic
An integration provides another application with secure access to AASHTOWare Project™.
The Application Integrations Overview component enables you to manage all the integrations in the system. To access the Application Integrations Overview, click the Integrations link in the System Administration component.
To make changes to an existing integration, first locate the integration by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box or by clicking Show first 10. The system displays a list of records for all the integrations in the system that match your search criteria.
Each row contains an Actions button and current values for the following fields:
Before adding a new integration, verify that the role you will use for this integration already exists in the system. See Managing Security Roles.
Click the New button.
The system adds a new row.
In the Name field, type the name of this integration.
In the Role field, select the role to be used when the application runs.
Note: To allow an integration to act on behalf of a user, you must select the same role your agency provides users to complete the same task. See Using Integrations and the Authorization Model Service in the System Administration Customization Guide.
Click the Save button.
Locate the integration you want to use.
Click the Actions button on the integration row and select Generate Access Key.
The system generates a secret access key and displays it on the screen one time only.
When the success message displays, copy the key.
Provide this key to the application developer to allow the application to authenticate to AASHTOWare Project.
To temporarily inactivate the ability for the application to integrate with the system, follow these steps:
Locate the integration you want to inactivate.
In the Active field, remove the check.
Click the Save button.
To activate the integration in the future, add a check in the Active field.
To permanently remove the application integration, follow these steps:
Locate the integration you want to remove.
Click the Actions button on the integration row and select Delete.
Click the Save button.
Setting Up Access for Mobile Applications