Maintaining an Auto-Complete Field for an Agency View

On the Autocomplete component, you can specify the contents and behavior of an auto-complete field on an agency view. Auto-complete fields can be displayed within larger user interface controls, such as a list, details area, accordion, or collapsible container.

To access the Autocomplete component, go to the Agency View Summary and open the control that includes an auto-complete field. On the summary component for that control, locate the row for the auto-complete field, and then select Open from the Actions menu on the field's row.

You can view or change values in these fields:

Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed.

For information about using a Where Clause to create a query in the Search Filter field, refer to the System Administration Customization Guide, included in the web-based AASHTOWare Project installation package.

You must enter a value in either the Search Agency Entity ID field or the Search Entity ID field, but not in both.

In the Fields to Search section, each row indicates a database Field from the selected entity that will be searched for matching values when text is entered in the auto-complete field.

In the Fields to Display section, each row indicates a database Field from the selected entity that will be displayed in the auto-complete field when text is entered. For example, if the auto-complete field will be used to specify a reference item, you can choose to display the reference item name, description, and unit system in the auto-complete field. For one of the display fields, you must select the Make this the stored value check box. This selection determines which field value is stored in the database when the user selects a value in the auto-complete field.

To add a new field to search or display, enter a value in the empty row at the bottom of the appropriate list. Field names must be formatted as Entity.FieldName. If the control that contains the auto-complete field is based on an agency entity rather than a system entity, you can also use a field from the agency entity's parent by formatting the field name as ParentEntity.FieldName.

To delete a saved field from either list, click the Mark for Deletion button at the end of the field row. To reverse the mark for deletion, click the Undo button.

When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

Related topics:

Maintaining an Agency View

Maintaining an Accordion for an Agency View

Maintaining a Collapsible Container for an Agency View

Maintaining a Details Area for an Agency View

Maintaining a List for an Agency View


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