Maintaining a List for an Agency View

In this Topic

  1. Adding a Select Modal to a List

The Agency View List Summary enables you to determine the contents of a list, including modifiable fields, read-only fields, and select modal windows. You can specify the placement of each field and the type of user interface element for each field, such as a text box, auto complete field, or check box.

To access the summary, navigate to the Agency View Summary, and then select Open from the Actions menu on the list control row.

At the top of the component, you can select or clear the Rows can be added and Rows can be deleted check boxes. These settings determine whether users are able to add new records and delete records on the list when it is displayed in the agency view.

The Edit Fields section lists rows of fields on the agency view that can be modified by the user. Each row includes an Actions button and values in these fields:

The Info Fields section lists rows of fields that cannot be modified on the agency view. Because they are read-only, these fields are automatically text fields. Each row includes an Actions button and values in these fields:

Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed.

To add a new field to the list, click the New button in either the Edit Fields section or the Info fields section, as appropriate. To save a new field row, you must enter values in each field.

To delete a field from the list, select Delete from the Actions menu on the field's row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

When you are finished making changes, click the Save button.

To view or change conditional display settings for a field, select Conditions from the Actions menu on the field's row. The system takes you to the Agency View Detail Conditions Summary for the selected field. For more information, see Maintaining Display Conditions for an Agency View Field.

To view or change additional information or settings for a field, select Open from the Actions menu on the field's row. The system takes you to the summary component for that type of field. For more information, see one of the following as appropriate:

Maintaining an Auto-Complete Field for an Agency View

Maintaining a Check Box for an Agency View

Maintaining a Date Picker Field for an Agency View

Maintaining a Drop-Down Field for an Agency View

Maintaining a Radio Button for an Agency View

Maintaining a Text Field for an Agency View

Maintaining a Text Area for an Agency View

Maintaining a Text Box for an Agency View

Adding a Select Modal to a List

If you want to add a select modal to a list in an agency view, you can enter information in the Select Modal section at the bottom of the Agency View List Summary.

You can enter information in these fields:

For information about using a Where Clause to create a query in the Search Filters field, refer to the System Administration Customization Guide, included in the web-based AASHTOWare Project installation package.

The Fields to Search/Display section lists rows for each field displayed in the modal window. You can view or change information in these fields:

Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed.

To add a new field to the modal window, enter information in the blank row at the bottom of the list.

To remove a field from the modal window, click the Delete button at the end of the field's row.

When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.  

Related topics:

Working with Agency Views

Maintaining an Agency View


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