On the Radio Button component, you can specify the database field, tooltip, and orientation. Radio buttons can be displayed within larger user interface controls, such as a list, details area, accordion, or collapsible container.
To access the Radio Button component, go to the Agency View Summary and open the control that includes a radio button. On the summary component for that control, locate the row for the radio button, and then select Open from the Actions menu on the radio button's row.
You can view or change values in these fields:
Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed.
The field name entered in the Source field must be formatted as Entity.FieldName. If the control that contains the radio button is based on an agency entity rather than a system entity, you can also use a field from the agency entity's parent by formatting the field name as ParentEntity.FieldName.
When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.
Maintaining an Accordion for an Agency View
Maintaining a Collapsible Container for an Agency View
Maintaining a Details Area for an Agency View
Maintaining a List for an Agency View