In this Topic
Each stormwater event that occurs during construction on a contract must be associated with a stormwater period so that the agency can record a variety of information necessary to comply with EPA requirements. The Stormwater Period Summary contains all the information currently recorded for a stormwater period, including permits, DWR information, earth-moving events, and signatures.
To access this component, navigate to the Stormwater Periods tab on the Contract Progress Summary. Locate the stormwater period row and click the link in the Start Dt field.
Information is grouped on seven tabs located on the left side of the component. The component opens on the General tab, which allows you to view or change the following information:
Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as required.
When you are finished making changes, click the Save button to apply your changes to the system. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
At the conclusion of a stormwater period, signatures are required to verify that the information is complete and ready for the system to generate the Stormwater Environmental Compliance Inspection Historical Report. The stormwater period must have a recorded end date before you can sign it.
To sign the stormwater period, select Sign from the Actions menu on the component header. The system records the signature and takes you to the Signatures tab with the new signature row displayed.
After you sign a stormwater period, all fields in the record become read only and information can no longer be changed. The system then automatically generates the Stormwater Period Historical Report.
To maintain additional information about the stormwater period, click the following tabs:
Contract Permits |
Click this tab to maintain contract permits associated with the stormwater period (see Maintaining Stormwater Contract Permits). |
Locations |
Click this tab to maintain location information for the stormwater period (see Maintaining Stormwater Locations). |
Stormwater Events (DWR) |
Click this tab to maintain DWRs associated with the stormwater period (see Maintaining Stormwater Event DWRs). |
Contract Projects |
Click this tab to maintain contract projects associated with the stormwater period (see Maintaining Stormwater Contract Projects). |
Earth-Moving Events |
Click this tab to maintain earth-moving events related to the stormwater period (see Maintaining Stormwater Earth-Moving Events). |
Signatures |
Click this tab to see who has signed this stormwater period (see Maintaining Stormwater Signatures). |
Managing Stormwater Periods on a Contract