The Stormwater Environmental Compliance Inspection Report enables you to generate a summary of the information about a stormwater period, including related locations, contract projects, permits, DWRs, earth-moving events, and other general information.
This report is used to analyze and historically track stormwater periods necessary for a contract to stay in compliance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) stormwater runoff requirements. The report documents site inspections, findings, and corrective actions required by the EPA.
The report can be generated on demand or it can be viewed as a historical report from the row Actions menu on the Stormwater Periods tab of the Contract Progress Summary, or from the component Actions menu on the Stormwater Period Summary.
If the StormwaterPeriodSigned system event is active, the system automatically generates the Stormwater Environmental Compliance Inspection Historical Report when a stormwater period is signed. The report is generated in PDF format and attached to the stormwater period record.
You can also generate any report on any page in the system by selecting Generate Report from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar. For more information, see Working with Reports and Historical Reports.