Maintaining System Event Information

You can automate a wide variety of tasks by configuring system events. A system event consists of a trigger and one or more actions. An administrator can set up system events that automatically open a tracked issue, notify users, or perform another action when the trigger condition occurs. For example, a system event can be used to create a cost estimate snapshot any time the cost estimate total changes by a specified percentage.

The System Event Overview component lists rows of system events. To access the System Event Overview component, click the System Events link in the System Administration component.

A combination of filter settings at the top of the component allow you to quickly locate the system event you need to find. Each time you add or remove filter settings, the list of tracked issues is updated accordingly.

To find a specific system event, enter criteria in the Quick Find search box. The system searches the issue type, name, and description and displays matching results in the list below.

To filter the list to show inactive system events, select the Show Inactive check box.

To filter the list to show system events associated with a specific business entity, enter criteria in the Associated To field.

To filter the list to show system events that are not associated with a business entity, select the Associated To Is Blank check box.

Each system event row in the list includes an Actions menu and values for these fields:

To add a new system event, select Add from the Actions menu on the component header. See Adding a System Event for more information.

To view the contents of a system event, select Open from the Actions menu on the tracked issue row. See Maintaining a System Event for more information.

To delete a system event, select Delete from the Actions menu on the tracked issue row. The system shades the row gray to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button. Click the Save button to apply your changes to the system. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

Related topics:

Maintaining a System Event

Adding a System Event


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