In this Topic
The Sample Reviewer tab on the Person Qualifications Summary component contains a list of product groups for which this person is qualified to review samples. Each row contains an Actions button, the number of remarks, and values for the Product Group Name and Product Group Description fields.
You can expand a row to display remarks for the qualification. To record a remark, first select the type of remark from the Type field, then enter explanatory text in the Remarks text box. To delete a newly added remark, click the Delete button to the right of the remark. You can delete a saved remark by clicking the Mark for Deletion button. You can remove the mark for deletion by clicking the Undo button.
To delete a product group qualification from this person record, select Delete from the Actions menu on the qualification row.
When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
To add one or more product groups for which this person is qualified to review samples, perform these steps:
Click the Select Product Groups button.
The system displays a modal window for selecting product groups.
Click a product group row to select it.
A check mark appears at the beginning of the row to indicate it is selected. Continue selecting material rows as needed. You can click a row again to clear the selection.
When you are finished selecting product groups, click the Add to Sample Reviewer button.
The system closes the modal window and displays the rows on the Sample Reviewer tab for the product groups you selected. You can enter any remarks for the new product group qualifications as needed. You can delete a newly added row by clicking the Delete button at the end of the row.
Click the Save button.
The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
Maintaining Person Qualifications