Maintaining Risk Factors for a Cost Estimate Contingency

A risk factor is an item, condition, or event that will likely result in additional costs that should be accounted for in an estimate. The Risk Factors tab on the Cost Estimate Contingency Assignment Summary includes all of the risk factors associated with the cost estimate contingency.

Each row includes an Actions button and current values in these fields:

You can expand a row to display read-only values in these additional fields:

You can click in the Risk Factor and Assignment Level fields and modify the values as needed. The system automatically updates the remaining read-only fields based on your entries.

To delete a risk factor from the cost estimate contingency, select Delete from the Actions menu on the risk factor row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

To add a risk factor to the cost estimate contingency, click the New button. The system adds a new risk factor row. To save the new row, you must enter values in the Risk Factor and Assignment Level fields. The system automatically updates the remaining read-only fields based on your entries.

When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Contingency Assignment for a Cost Estimate

Working with Contingency Assignments for a Cost Estimate


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