Maintaining Reference Price Tasks for an Item on a Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule

The Cost Estimate Life Cycle Maintenance Reference Price Task Summary lists all of the reference price tasks associated with the maintenance milestone item. An item can have multiple reference tasks marked as active at a time. The system calculates the item price as the sum of the amounts in the active reference price tasks. During later phases of the estimation life cycle, percentages are incorporated in the calculation of the item price using reference price tasks.

You can access the component by navigating to the Milestones tab on the Cost Estimate Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile Summary, clicking the Details button on the appropriate item row, and then clicking the Reference link in the Details overlay.

The Item Information detail section displays read-only values in these fields:

The item Price is calculated using the active reference price tasks. If you change underlying data required for the calculation, the Price field does not display a value until you save the changes.

Each price task row includes an Actions button and represents a price task associated with the item on the maintenance milestone. You can view or change values in these fields.

The Active check box determines whether or not the reference price task is used to calculate the unit price of the maintenance milestone item. If you manually enter a price for the item on the Milestones tab on the Cost Estimate Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Summary, the system sets any associated reference price tasks to inactive. The system also sets reference price tasks to inactive if an active bid-based price task is added for the maintenance milestone item.

To delete a price task from the maintenance milestone item, select Delete from the Actions menu on the price task row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

To add a new reference price task to the maintenance milestone item, click the New button. The system adds a new blank row and sets the Price Task name to 'Ref' followed by the next available incremental number. To save a new reference price task, you must enter values in the Description and Task Price fields.

When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system updates the value in the Price field, if appropriate, and displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule for a Cost Estimate

Maintaining Milestones for a Cost Estimate Maintenance Schedule


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