In this Topic
The Cost Estimates tab contains a list of all the cost estimates associated with the concept. You can view or change the following information:
To create a new cost estimate associated with this concept, click the Add button. See Adding a Cost Estimate.
Next to the Add button is a list Actions menu, which has the following functions:
Click Select Cost Estimates to copy an existing cost estimate to this concept. See Copying a Cost Estimate.
Select Cost Estimate Item Pricing Worksheet to price items for a cost estimate associated with this concept. See Managing Cost Estimate Items in a Worksheet.
To view or change information in a cost estimate, click the Cost Estimate Name link. See Maintaining a Cost Estimate.
The row Actions menu has the following functions:
Note: Unless the cost estimate has been saved as a profile, deleting it from the concept removes the cost estimate from the system.
Note: If your agency has the Take Snapshot Before Cost Estimate Delete agency option set to Yes, the system automatically creates a snapshot for the cost estimate before it is deleted (see Working with Snapshots).
Select Merge Cost Estimate... to combine multiple cost estimates into a new cost estimate. See Merging Multiple Cost Estimates into a New Cost Estimate.
You can copy an existing cost estimate to a concept. When you copy a cost estimate to a concept, all of the child records attached to the original cost estimate are copied to a new cost estimate associated with the concept. These child records include general data for the original cost estimate, as well as:
To make a copy of an existing cost estimate and associate it with this concept:
Choose Select Cost Estimate from the Actions menu on the cost estimate list.
Click Show first 10 or enter criteria in the Quick Find search box to locate a specific cost estimate.
The system displays a modal window that lists cost estimates and cost estimate profiles that match your search criteria and have the same spec book and unit system as the concept. You can select the
Show Profiles Only check box to filter the list to show only cost estimates that have been saved as profiles.
Click a cost estimate row to select it.
The system displays a check mark at the beginning of the row to indicate it is selected. You can click a different row to change your selection.
Enter a value in the New Cost Estimate Name field.
Click the Add to Concept button.
The system adds the estimate to the list on the Cost Estimates tab. All child records attached to the original cost estimate are copied to a new cost estimate associated with the concept.
You can merge multiple cost estimates into a new cost estimate even if the cost estimate is associated with a concept or project, as long as no project items have been built from the concept or project. To combine multiple cost estimates into a new cost estimate:
Select Merge Cost Estimate... from the cost estimate row Actions menu.
In the Merge Cost Estimate window, the name of the cost estimate you are merging from will be listed in the Primary Cost Estimate Name field. Enter a value in the New Cost Estimate Name field.
Locate the records you want to merge by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box or by clicking Show first 10.
Click the cost estimate row to select it.
The system adds a check mark beside your selection and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the row again.
Click the Merge Cost Estimate button.