Exporting Cost Estimates

If you need to move cost estimate information to other tools or systems, you can export the cost estimate in either XML, CSV, or fixed-width columnar formats. Cost estimates for concepts, projects, and proposals can be exported. After information for a cost estimate is exported, the cost estimate remains available in the system for users to view and edit.

To export a cost estimate, perform these steps:

  1. Select Execute Process from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar.

    Note: You can also access the export process from the Concept Overview, Concept Summary, Project Cost Estimate Summary, or Proposal Cost Estimate Summary, as appropriate for the parent entity of the cost estimate you are exporting.  

    The system takes you to the Execute Process component with Select Process selected in the Settings menu on the component subheader.

  2. From the list of processes, select either Export Cost Estimates to export a project or proposal cost estimate or Export Concept Cost Estimate to export a cost estimate for a concept.

    The system takes you to the Execute Process component with Select Data selected in the Settings menu on the component subheader. Depending on which process you selected, the component lists cost estimates associated with either concepts, projects, or proposals.

  3. Select the cost estimate you want to export.

    The system takes you to the Execute Process component with Set Parameters selected in the Settings menu on the component subheader.

  4. Select the format for the export file, either XML, CSV, or Fixed-width columnar.

    The system takes you to the Execute Process component with Schedule Process selected in the Settings menu on the component subheader.

  5. If you want to schedule the process to run at another time, select the Enable Scheduling check box. For more information, see Scheduling a Process.

  6. When you are finished, click the Execute button.

  7. Browse to an appropriate file location and save the export file.

    The system runs the process and exports the cost estimate to a file in the selected format.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Cost Estimate

Maintaining Cost Estimates for a Concept

Maintaining Cost Estimates for a Project

Maintaining Cost Estimates for a Proposal


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