Importing Cost Estimates

If cost estimate information was exported to an XML file for use in other tools or systems, you can import the XML file back into AASHTOWare Project and update the cost estimate with any new or modified information.

You can also import cost estimate information that did not originate in AASHTOWare Project by importing an XML file that conforms to the CostEstimateData.xsd schema file (located in the Support Files folder). The XML file must include required information to identify the cost estimate parent entity, either a concept, project, or proposal. In addition, the parent concept, project, or proposal must already exist in AASHTOWare Project prior to importing associated cost estimate information.

To import a cost estimate XML file, perform these steps:

  1. Select Import File from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar.

    The system takes you to the Import component.

  2. Click the Select File button.

    The system opens a Choose File to Upload window.

  3. In the Choose File to Upload window, navigate to the cost estimate XML file you want to import, select it, and click the Open button.

    The system displays the name and size of the selected file.

  4. Choose whether you want the system to ignore blank values in the import file or overwrite data already in the system.

    To ignore blanks: select the Update existing cost estimate items and ignore blanks option.
    To overwrite existing data: select the Update existing cost estimate items and blanks overwrite option.

  5. When you are finished, click the Import button.

    The system displays a message to confirm that the import was successful. You can click the Open Cost Estimate link to display the imported cost estimate on either the Concept Summary, Project Cost Estimate Summary, or Proposal Cost Estimate Summary, as appropriate. If the import file included multiple cost estimates, the system displays the cost estimate listed first in the import file.

Related topics:

Exporting Cost Estimates

Maintaining Cost Estimates for a Concept

Maintaining Cost Estimates for a Project

Maintaining Cost Estimates for a Proposal


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