In this Topic
The Create Message component enables you to send an email message from the current user to another system user. In order to send a message, an email address must be recorded in the system for both the sender and the recipient user accounts.
Note: You can enter email addresses for the person associated with a user account by using the Person Summary component (see Maintaining Addresses for a Person).
To create a new message, perform the following steps:
Select My
Outbox from the Actions
menu on the Menu Bar.
The system takes you to the Outbox
Overview component.
Click the Create
Message button.
The system takes you to the Create
Message component.
Type a value in the Recipient box to search for or enter the message recipient. The recipient can be an individual or a pre-defined mailing group (see Creating Dynamic Mailing Groups).
To add another recipient,
click the New button.
The system adds another recipient
Note: When a message has more
than one recipient, the recipient names and email addresses are hidden
from other recipients of the message.
Type a value in the
second Recipient
box to search for or enter another message recipient. Continue adding
recipients as needed.
Note: If you want to select
multiple recipients at the same time, choose Select
Recipients from the Actions
menu on the recipient list. For more information, see the Selecting
Multiple Recipients section below.
Type a value in the Subject box.
In the Message Text box, type the contents of your email message.
When you are finished,
click the Send button.
The system takes you to the Outbox
Overview component and displays a message to confirm that your email
message was sent. The email you sent is added to the top of the list
of sent messages.
If you want to send a message to several recipients, you can select all of them at once.
Note: When a message has more than one recipient, the recipient names and email addresses are hidden from other recipients of the message.
To select multiple recipients, perform the following steps:
On the Create Message
component, choose Select Recipients
from the Actions menu on the
recipient list.
The system displays the Select Recipients
modal window.
Locate the recipients
you want by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box, or by clicking
Show First 10.
The modal window lists possible recipients
that match your criteria. Each row of user data shows the Name, Email
Address, Type, Address Type, and Default
values for the user account.
Click a row to select
the user as a recipient.
A check mark appears at the beginning
of the row to indicate it is selected.
Continue selecting user rows as needed. You can click a row again to clear the selection.
When you are finished
selecting recipients, click the Add
to Message button.
The system closes the modal window
and adds the recipients you selected to the list on the Create Message
Creating Dynamic Mailing Groups