Copying a Transition Profile

The Copy Transition Profile component enables you to create a new transition profile with the same detail items as an existing profile. A transition profile maps parametric items and parametric groups to reference items. The profile can then be used to transition a parametric cost estimate to a detail-item cost estimate. 

You can access the Copy Transition Profile component by navigating to the Transition Profile Overview, locating the profile you want to copy, and then selecting Copy from the Actions menu on the profile row. You can copy a transition profile only if the profile includes detail items.

You can view or enter information in these fields:

In order to save a new transition profile, you must enter a valid value in the New Parametric Item field. Click in the field and begin typing, or press Enter to display a list of available parametric items. You can only select a parametric item that has the same spec book and unit system as the profile you are copying from. When you select a parametric item, the system automatically displays the appropriate values in the Unit System and Unit of Measure fields.

When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays the new transition profile on the Transition Profile Summary and displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved. See Maintaining a Transition Profile for more information.

Related topics:

Maintaining Transition Profile Information


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