Before you can add an addendum to a proposal, the proposal must be in what is referred to as the addenda phase. This means that the proposal has been set to a phase for which the Rule field is set to Addenda. You can set the phase on the Workflow tab of the Proposal Summary. For information about setting proposal phases, see Maintaining Proposal Workflow. For information about adding addenda, see Adding an Addendum.
Once the proposal is in the addenda phase and you have added an addendum, the system makes a virtual copy (called a snapshot) of the proposal, and keeps that copy as a record of the proposal before any addenda changes were made. From this point, you can make whatever changes to the proposal are required.
When you are finished entering all the changes pertaining to a given addendum, the addendum should be closed and/or approved, depending on your agency's workflow (for more information, see Closing and Approving Addenda). Once approved, an addendum cannot be reopened or changed.
If a new addendum is added, the system takes another snapshot of the proposal. All changes to the proposal that were made in between the two snapshots are recorded automatically and associated with the previous addendum. This process repeats each time a new addendum is added to the proposal, enabling all changes made to a proposal in the addenda phase to be associated with a specific addendum.
You can generate several reports that will help you to track the changes made to a proposal with addenda:
Related topics:
Proposal-Project Association in the Addenda Phase