Adding a Material Set to a Contract Project Item

A material set is a group of materials associated with an item. When you associate a material set with a:

To add a material set to a contract project item, navigate to the Contract Project Items tab on the Contract Items component, locate the row for the contract project item, and then select Create Material Set from the Actions menu on the item row. The system takes you to the Add Contract Project Item Material Set Material Summary where you can view or change values in these fields:

To save the new material set, you must enter a value in the Material Set field. When you are finished, click the Save button.

The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved. The system adds a new material set row to the list on the Materials tab on the Contract Materials and Acceptance Actions Summary component. You can navigate to that component and then add materials and acceptance actions as needed. See Maintaining Contract Materials and Acceptance Actions.


The component Actions menu has the following functions:


Select Attachments to manage attachments in a project. See Working with Attachments.

Select Tracked Issues to manage tracked issues for a project. See Maintaining Tracked Issue Information.

Select Links to manage links in a project. See Working with Links.

Related topics:

Managing Contract Project Items


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