Managing Reference Specifications by Action Relationship

A reference specification is a requirement or provision for the work completed on an agency contract, and for the payment for that work.

To access the Reference Specification Overview component, locate the appropriate row on the Action Relationship Overview component and choose Open Reference Specifications from the row Actions menu.

You can use the filter at the top of the component to only show rows of a specific Record Type. To view or make changes to an existing specification, type criteria in the Quick Find search box for the specification you want. The system lists rows of specifications that match your search criteria.

You can view or change information in these fields:


The row Actions menu has the following functions: 



Select Copy Reference Specification to copy an existing specification. See Copying A Reference Specification.

Select Delete to delete a specification. Selec Undo to reverse the delete action. Click the Save button.

Select Exclude from Search Results to exclude a specification from your search. 

Select Open to open a specification.

Select Open Action Relationship to view the action relationship associated with a specification. See Maintaining Action Relationships for a Material.


Select Attachments to manage attachments. The Attachments link includes the number of files attached to this record. See Working with Attachments.

Select Links to manage links. See Working with Links.

Select Tracked Issues to manage tracked issues. See Maintaining Tracked Issue Information.

Copying A Reference Specification

To copy an existing reference specification, its conditions, and condition fields to an action relationship:

  1.  Locate the specification you want to copy and select Copy Reference Specification from the row Actions menu.

    You can find a specific specification by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box.

  2. Click the row of the Action Relationship to which you want to add the specification.

  3. Enter a value in the Specification Name field.

  4. Click the Add to Action Relationship button.

Related topics:

Adding a Reference Specification

Maintaining a Reference Specification

Maintaining Action Relationships for a Material

Maintaining Action Relationships for a Material Category

Managing Action Relationships

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