Maintaining Field Interview Employees

In this Topic

  1. Adding Job Classification Information to the Field Interview
  2. Adding Employee Information to the Field Interview
    1. Adding an Employee from Reference Data
    2. Adding Employee Information Manually


The Field Interview Employees component provides access to information for all the employees recorded in the field interview.

To access the Field Interview Employees component, click the Field Interview tab on the Compliance Overview, and then click the Field Interview Date for the interview you want to view. 

To access field interview information for an employee, in the Field Interview Employees section, click the Interview Employees field and select the employee's name in the list. To flip through the interview information for several employees, you can also click the Next and Previous buttons to the right of the Interview Employees field.

Click the Employee Information link to view additional information about the employee:

Employee information is contained in two sections. The upper section of the component displays general information for the selected employee. You can view or change information in the following fields:


The lower section of the component contains an accordion list of all the labor classifications recorded for the employee in a collapsible section. Each row displays an Actions button and the Job Classification.

To maintain a job classification, click anywhere in the row to expand the row and display all the available information. You can view or change information in these fields:

Adding Job Classification Information to the Field Interview

To add a new job classification to the list, click the New button. The system adds a new blank row at the bottom of the list. All fields in the new row are blank. To create a new job classification, you must enter information in all fields that display a red asterisk. Record information in other fields as needed to add additional information to the row.

To delete a newly added row, click the Delete button at the end of the row. The system deletes the row immediately.

To delete a saved job classification from the list, select Delete from the Actions menu on the job classification row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

Click the Save button when you are finished.

Adding Employee Information to the Field Interview

How you add an employee to the field interview depends on the value for the Add Employee to Field Interview agency option. The agency option determines whether employees can be added only from reference data, or if the employee data can be entered manually.

Adding an Employee from Reference Data

To add one or more employees to the field interview using reference data, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Field Interview Employees component, select Add Ref Employees from the Actions menu on the component header.

    The system displays a modal window for selecting reference employees.

  2. First locate the employees you want to add by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box or by clicking Show first 10.

    The system lists all the reference employees that meet your search criteria.

  3. Click the row for each reference employee you want to add.

    The system adds a check mark beside each employee you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.

  4. Click the Add to Field Interview button.

    The system closes the modal window and displays the Field Interview Summary with the new employees added to the list. You can modify information for the new employees as needed.

Adding Employee Information Manually

To add an employee to the field interview without using reference data, select Add Employee from the Actions menu on the Field Interview Employees component header. The system displays a modal window for adding employee information.

To save the employee on the field interview, you must enter information in these fields:

It is not required, but you can enter information in these fields to record additional information about the employee:

Click the Save button when you are finished.

Related topics:

Adding a Field Interview

Maintaining a Field Interview

Maintaining Field Interview Trucking

Managing Field Interviews

Using the Field Interviewer Mobile Application

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