Maintaining Live Data for a Business Intelligence Report

In this Topic

    1. Actions
A business intelligence report summarizes or analyzes data, enabling you to draw insights and make effective decisions. Agencies can configure these reports in many ways, from simple summaries, data tables, and charts, to a list of strategic action items based on data analysis.

Click the Live Data tab on the Business Intelligence Report Summary to review a list of the report's entities and fields available to push to the Microsoft Power BI service.

The Live Data tab contains two sections. The upper section displays a list of the report's entities and fields available to push to the Microsoft Power BI service. The lower section indicates which fields are currently selected. Expand the entities in this list and select up to 75 fields. Clear a field to remove it from the push to Microsoft Power BI. Click the Clear All link to remove all fields.

The lower section indicates which fields are currently included in the live data push.

The component Actions menu has the following functions:


Select Push Live Data Definition to send the definition of the report's available entities and fields to the Microsoft Power BI service.


Select Attachments to manage attachments. The Attachments link includes the number of files attached to this record. See Working with Attachments.
Select Issues to manage tracked issues. See Maintaining Tracked Issue Information.
Select Links to manage links. See Working with Links.

Related topics:

Managing Business Intelligence Connection Settings

Managing Business Intelligence Reports

Managing Application Integrations


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