Working with Advanced Filters

The Advanced Filters tab on the Proposal Selection Set Summary component enables you to query the system based on several advanced criteria and save your results. If you also enter data on the Data Selection tab, your selections are combined when you execute the query.

Each filter statement consists of a field, an operator, and a value. For example, you can filter the data to include only those proposals that contain “LOCAL - Local Road” in the Highway Type field. Multiple filter statements can be combined together by using an And/Or operator. You can continue adding statements in each section as needed.

You can begin your filter statement by selecting values in these fields:


Select a value for a field, select an operator, and then select a value to build your filter clause. To add an additional clause, select the And/Or operator and continue building your filter statement as needed.

To remove a clause from your filter statement, click the Delete button to mark it for deletion. Click the Undo button to reverse the action.

Click the Save button to commit your changes.

Click the Execute button to run the query with any saved criteria from the Data Selection and Advanced Filters tabs. Once complete, your results will display on the Result Set tab.


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