The Weekly Report of Time Charges lists the number of hours charged for the selected contract time as recorded on DWRs during the specified week. The report lists the number of hours worked each day for the contract time, the reason for any delays, diary adjustments to the contract time, and which contractors were on site each day.
This report can be generated on demand or as a historical report. Historical reports are generated and attached as a PDF file to a record in the associated entity as a result of an active system event or tracked issue event (see Historical Reports).
If the WeeklyTimeChargeModified system event is active, the system automatically generates the Weekly Historical Report of Time Charges when a time charge report record is saved.
You can display the historical report by selecting the report name under the Historical Reports section of an Actions menu. You can generate the report with current data by selecting the report name under the Reports section of an Actions menu.
To access the report, navigate to the Contract Progress Summary, click the Weekly Report of Time Charges tab, and then select Weekly Report of Time Charges from the Actions menu on the report record row. You can also generate any report on any page in the system by selecting Generate Report from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar. For more information, see Working with Reports.
Maintaining Weekly Time Charges for a Contract