Viewing Subcontract Information

A subcontract is a contract between the prime contractor on an agency contract and a third party. The subcontract assigns part of the work in the original contract to the third party.

In AASHTOWare Project, a subcontract also describes the contract work that the prime contractor will not perform. You can divide subcontracts into items and define subcontracted quantities. Each subcontract item can have a percentage applied to it, which indicates that the subcontractor will perform only part of the item work.

The Subcontract Overview page contains two components that provide information about the contract and associated subcontracts. To access the Subcontract Overview, click the Subcontracts quick link on the Contract Administration Summary.

The Contract component at the top of the Subcontract Overview page displays information about the prime vendor for the selected contract. The Subcontract component at the bottom of the page displays information about associated subcontracts (see Managing Subcontracts).

On the Contract component, you can view, but not change, information in the following fields:

The system does not calculate the Total Toward Maximum Subcontract Percent and Total Towards Maximum Subcontract Amount fields unless there is a value in the Consent Date field on the Subcontract Summary component.

The system does not calculate the Total Specialty Subcontract Percent and Total Specialty Subcontract Amount fields unless there is a value in the Consent Date field on the Subcontract Summary component and the item subcontracted is marked as a specialty item on the General tab of the Contract Items component.

Total Towards Maximum Subcontract Amount (non-specialty) Calculations

This field is calculated as follows:

Total towards maximum subcontract amount (non-specialty) = Sum over approved tier-1 subcontracts that are not excluded at the subcontract level (total subcontract non-specialty adjusted item extended amount)

Total subcontract non-specialty adjusted item extended amount = Sum over subcontract non-specialty items (Adjusted item unit price multiplied by item quantity)

Adj item unit price is dependent on the Unit Price of Subcontract Items to Use in Subcontract Percentage Threshold Calculation agency option, which specifies the unit price of subcontract items to use in the calculation.

The values are:

Total Specialty Subcontract Amount Calculations

This field is calculated as follows:

Sum over approved tier-1 subcontracts that are not excluded at the subcontract level (total subcontract specialty adjusted item extended amount) + Sum over approved tier-1 subcontracts that are excluded at the subcontract level (total subcontract adjusted item extended amount)

Total subcontract specialty adjusted item extended amount = Sum over subcontract specialty items (Adj Item Unit Price multiplied by item quantity)

Total subcontract adjusted item extended amount = Sum over all subcontract items (Adj Item Unit Price multiplied by Quantity)

Adj Item Unit Price is dependent on the Unit Price of Subcontract Items to Use in Subcontract Percentage Threshold Calculation agency option, which specifies the unit price of subcontract items to use in the calculation.

The values are:

Related topics:

Managing Subcontracts


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