Viewing Milestone Item Price Details

When you click the Details button to the right of the Price field, the system displays an overlay with different prices for the milestone item. Each row displays the method used to calculate the price, the price amount, and a check box indicating whether one or more price tasks for that method are active.

Links, prices, and Active check boxes are displayed for these calculation methods:

The Active check box is selected for a calculation method by default if any price tasks for that method that are associated with the item are marked active. If you clear the Active check box in the details overlay, the system changes the status of the associated price tasks for that method to inactive.

Each method name is a link to the component where settings are established for the calculation method.

Clicking the Bid Based link takes you to the Cost Estimate Typical Section Bid Based Task Summary (see Maintaining a Bid-Based Task for an Item on a Cost Estimate Typical Section).

Clicking the Reference link takes you to the Cost Estimate Typical Section Ref Price Task Summary (see Maintaining Reference Price Tasks for an Item on a Cost Estimate Typical Section).

Related topics:

Maintaining Milestones for a Cost Estimate Maintenance Schedule


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