Running the Bridge to a Document Management System

The Bridge to Document Management System process enables you to automatically link documents in your document management system to web-based AASHTOWare Project entities by adding a URL attachment to the entity record.

The process relies on two invisible components that facilitate data exchange: a bridge and a sync. Running the Bridge to Document Management System process connects AASHTOWare Project with the AASHTOWare Project SYNC Service. Once the bridge is established, the SYNC service allows a connection between the document management system and AASHTOWare Project. The bridge monitors AASHTOWare Project for incoming information from the document management system and loads incoming links to the system.

You can run the Bridge to Document Management System process manually, or you can schedule it to run automatically at regular intervals. The frequency at which this process runs determines how often data is exchanged between the data management system and AASHTOWare Project.

To run the Bridge to Document Management System process, select Execute Process from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar, and then select Bridge to Document Management System from the list of processes. For more information about executing a process, see Executing Processes.

You can monitor the status of the process and view the resulting URLs in the bridge log file on the Process History Overview. For information about how to view process log files, see Viewing Process History.

When the system completes the process, links to the documents from your document management system are available on the entity record as URL attachments. For more information, see Working with Attachments.


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