Running the Bridge to Mobile Inspector

Web-based AASHTOWare Project™ works with several mobile applications that allow agency personnel to use a smartphone or tablet to capture information in the field.
Infotech Mobile Inspector works with AASHTOWare Project Construction & Materials™ to allow inspectors to collect information required for a daily work report, including item progress, contractor workforce, photos, and site conditions.

Mobile Inspector is available in two formats, Mobile Inspector (mobile app) and Mobile Inspector 2.0 (web app). Use the format specified by your agency. 

Mobile applications can be used online or offline and can accommodate any size contract.

Mobile application integration with AASHTOWare Project relies on two tools to facilitate the data exchange:

The bridge process can be run manually or scheduled to run automatically at regular intervals. The frequency with which this process runs determines how often data is exchanged between the mobile application and AASHTOWare Project.

To run the Bridge to Mobile Inspector process, select Execute Process from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar. For Mobile Inspector (mobile app), select Bridge to Mobile Inspector. For Mobile Inspector (PWA), select Bridge to Mobile Inspector PWA. For more information, see Executing Processes

You can view the log file and monitor the status of the process on the Process History Overview. For information, see Viewing Process History.

Related topics:

Using the Mobile Inspector Application