Managing Base Report Templates

Base report templates are provided with the system and are used to create custom report templates with the Report Designer. Base report templates cannot be changed or deleted.

The Base Report Template Overview component provides access to all the base report templates currently available in the system. To go to the Base Report Template Overview, click the Report Templates link in the System Administration component. The Base Report Template Overview component is displayed on the left side of the page, and the Custom Report Template Overview component is displayed on the right side of the page.

Each row represents one report template. To access a base report template, first locate the template by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box or by clicking Show first 10. The system displays a list of records for all the base report templates that match your search criteria. Each row contains an Actions button and current values for the following fields:

Accessing a Base Report Template

Follow these steps to access a base report template to use when you want to create a custom report template with Report Designer.

  1. In the Base Report Template Overview component, locate the base report template you want to use as a base for your custom report template.

  2. Click the File Name link in the list or select Download from the Actions menu on the template's row.

    The system displays a File Download window.

  3. Click Open to open the report file in a browser window or Save to save a copy of the report file. For instructions on how to use this file to create a custom report template, see Customizing Reports.

Related topics:

Managing Custom Report Templates


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