Maintaining a Formula

The Formula Summary contains all of the information recorded about a formula. To access the summary, click the Formulas link in the Reference Data component, locate the row for the formula you want to view, and then select Open from the Actions menu on the formula row.

You can view or change information in these fields:

Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed. Values are required in the Formula Name and Expression fields.

In the Expression field, enter a formula using standard python commands and syntax (see Supported IronPython Functions). Calculations can include conditional statements and these mathematical operators:   +    -    /    *    ^    ==    !=    <>    <    <=    >    >=    (    )

When you select a value in the Entity field, the system filters the values available for selection in the Field box to only fields from the selected entity or its child entities. When you make a selection in the Field box, the system enters the selection in the Expression field and clears the value in the Field box. You can select additional entities and fields as needed.

When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

To add a formula to the system, select Add New from the Actions menu on the component header. The system takes you to the Add Formula component (see Adding a Formula).

Related topics:

Working with Formulas

Copying a Formula

Using the Expression Builder


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