Maintaining a Design Evaluation Structure

The Design Evaluation Summary enables you to create and maintain the structure for reference design evaluations. To access this component, navigate to the Design Evaluation Overview and select Open from the Actions menu on the reference design evaluation row.

The rating given to a contract project design is derived from answers to groups of questions that have been defined by the agency. To create the design evaluation structure, you must first identify all of the groups (that is, subjects by which questions will be grouped) that should be included and the order in which groups should be listed. Then, within each group, you must author the questions to be used, determine the order in which the questions should be listed within each group, and the weight each question will be given when the system calculates the final rating.

The Design Evaluation Summary contains a list of all the question groups, listed by order number. Each row contains an Actions button, a count of how many questions are in the group, and current values for the following fields:

You can add or change information in the Order and Group Description fields.

To add a new group to the structure, click the New button. The system adds a new row at the bottom of the list. All fields in the new row are blank. Enter information in the Order and Group Description fields and click Save.

To remove a group from the structure, select Delete from the Actions menu on the group row. The system highlights the row to mark it for deletion. Click Save to complete the deletion.

Expand a group row to display the questions belonging to that group in subordinate rows. Each question row contains an Actions button and current values for these fields:

To change information for a question, click anywhere in the question row. The system highlights the row and displays information in labeled fields. You can add or change information in any field in the row.

To add a new question to the group, click in the Weight field in the last row in the group and press the Tab key. The system adds a new blank question row. Enter information in the Order, Question, and Weight fields and click Save.

To remove a question from a group, select Delete from the Actions menu on the question row. The system highlights the row to mark it for deletion. Click Save to complete the deletion.

Related topics:

Maintaining Ratings for Design Evaluations


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