Maintaining a Contract Time Record - Recurring

In this Topic

  1. Recurring Time Occurrences
  2. Planned Occurrences
  3. Updating the Recurring Schedule and Regenerating the Planned Occurrence List

Some contract times are for an event that recurs (is repeated) at a specified frequency, for example, an inspection that takes place on the first Monday of every month. The Contract Time Summary - Recurring component contains all the information currently recorded for a contract time record with a Time Type of Recurring. Contract time records are created on the Contract Administration Summary for the appropriate contract (see Maintaining Contract Times).

To access the Contract Time Summary - Recurring component, go to the Contract Time Overview and click the Time ID link for a contract time with a time type of Recurring.

To access the Contract Time Summary - Recurring Date component, go to the Contract Times tab of the Contract Administration Summary, expand the Recurring section, and click the Time ID link.

Information is grouped on two tabs located on the left side of the component. The component opens on the General tab, which allows you to view or change the following information:

Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as required. 

When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Recurring Time Occurrences

On the Contract Time Summary - Recurring component, click the Recurring Time Occurrences tab to set up the time schedule or, if the time schedule has already been set up, to view the list of planned occurrences for the recurring time.

The system automatically builds the set of planned occurrences and enters the Recurring Schedule Description after you save information in all of the schedule fields required for the frequency.

Follow these steps to set up the time schedule for the recurring time:

  1. Select a value in the Frequency field for how often you want the contract time to occur (daily, weekly, monthly, or only once).

    The system automatically displays the fields required to set up a time schedule for the selected frequency.

  2. Enter information in required fields, as shown in the following table:



Required Fields


For contract times that recur on a daily basis, you must enter information in these fields:

  - Start

  - End

  - Planned Occurrence Every 'X' Day(s)



For contract times that recur on a weekly basis, you must enter information in these fields:

  - Start

  - End

  - Planned Occurrence Every 'X' Week(s)

  - Days of Week

  - Monday

  - Tuesday

  - Wednesday

  - Thursday

  - Friday

  - Saturday

  - Sunday



For contract times that recur on a monthly basis, you must enter information in these fields:

  - Start

  - End

  - Use Relative Date

  - Planned Occurrence Every 'X' Week

  - Planned Occurrence Day of Week

Note: When the system generates the schedule for a monthly recurring time, if the specified day does not actually occur for a month, the system automatically sets the generated Planned Occurrence date to the last day of the month (for example, if the value in the Planned Occurrence Every 'X' Day of the Month field is 31, the planned occurrence for February would be February 28th for a non-leap year, or the 29th for a leap year).



For contract times that do not recur, you must enter the occurrence date and time in the Planned Occurrence field.



  1. Click the Save button.

    The system builds the set of planned occurrences based on your settings and lists them in rows in the lower part of the tab. The system also generates and displays text for the Recurring Schedule Description field.

  2. Note: If you change the frequency or any of the time scheduling fields, the system automatically makes corresponding changes to the description and list of planned occurrences.

Planned Occurrences

The lower part of the Recurring Time Occurrences tab contains a list of all the planned occurrences that are scheduled to take place for this recurring contract time, based on the saved schedule. Each row in the list represents one planned occurrence and contains an Actions button and information for the following fields:

Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed.

To delete a planned occurrence record, select Delete from the Actions menu on the occurrence row. The system shades the row gray to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Updating the Recurring Schedule and Regenerating the Planned Occurrence List

You can update a Planned Occurrence schedule on the Recurring Time Occurrences tab if you need to (for example, if the schedule needs to be extended). The system will regenerate the list of planned occurrences based on the new schedule, with the following conditions:

Related topics:

Maintaining Contract Times


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