In this Topic
The Mix Design Type Agency View Association Summary includes all of the information recorded for a mix design type, including which agency views are available for the component materials and mix designs that are assigned the mix design type.
At the top of the component, you can view or change the values for the mix design type Name and Description. The remaining information is organized into two collapsible sections: Mix Design Agency Views and Mix Design Component Materials Agency Views.
In the Mix Design Agency Views section of the summary, each row represents an association between an agency view and all mix designs assigned this mix design type. These agency views are available from the Actions menu on the Mix Design Summary and the Mix Design Overview. If an agency view is used to enter data but the agency view association becomes inactive, users can view but not add or modify data in the agency view.
Each agency view row includes an Actions button and current values in these fields:
To delete a mix design agency view from this mix design type, select Delete from the Actions menu on the agency view row. If the agency view has been used to enter data for a mix design, then the agency view cannot be deleted. To reverse the deletion, click the Undo button. To save your changes, click the Save button.
When you add agency views to a mix design type, the agency views become available to existing mix designs of the mix design type. To associate an agency view with this mix design type, follow these steps:
On the Mix Design Type Agency View Association Summary, click the Select Mix Design Agency Views button in the Mix Design Type Agency Views section.
The system displays a modal window that lists agency views that are active, are associated with the Mix Design entity, and do not have an active association with the mix design type.
Click the row for the agency view you want to associate with the mix design type.
The system adds a check mark at the beginning of the row. You can click the row again to clear the selection.
Continue selecting rows for agency views as needed.
When you are finished, click the Add to Mix Design Type button.
The system closes the modal window and lists the agency views you added in the Mix Design Agency Views section on the Mix Design Type Summary.
In the Mix Design Component Material Agency Views section of the summary, each row represents an association between an agency view and all component materials in mix designs that are assigned this mix design type. These agency views are available from the row Actions menu on Component Materials tab on the Mix Design Summary. If an agency view is used to enter data but the agency view association becomes inactive, users can view but not add or modify data in the agency view.
Each agency view row includes an Actions button and current values in these fields:
To delete a mix design component material agency view from this mix design type, select Delete from the Actions menu on the agency view row. If the agency view has been used to enter data for a component material, then the agency view cannot be deleted.
To reverse the deletion, click the Undo button. To save your changes, click the Save button.
When you add agency views to component materials in a mix design type, the agency views become available to existing component materials in mix designs of the mix design type. To associate an agency view with component materials in mix designs with this mix design type, follow these steps:
On the Mix Design Type Agency View Association Summary, scroll to the Mix Design Type Component Material Agency Views section, and then click the Select Component Materials Agency Views button.
The system displays a modal window that lists agency views that are active, are associated with the Mix Design Component entity, and do not have an active association with the mix design type.
Click the row for the agency view you want to associate component materials in mix designs with this mix design type.
The system adds a check mark at the beginning of the row. You can click the row again to clear the selection.
Continue selecting rows for agency views as needed.
When you are finished, click the Add to Mix Design Type Component Materials button.
The system closes the modal window and lists the agency views you added in the Mix Design Component Material Agency Views section on the Mix Design Type Agency View Association Summary.
Maintaining Mix Design Type Information