In this Topic
The Administrative Offices tab on the Contract Administration Summary contains a list of all the offices currently associated with the contract. Offices associated with the contract follow the order of your agency's administrative office hierarchy in reference data.
Each office row displays an Actions menu and current values for the following fields:
To add or change information for an office, expand its row to display all the available information.
To delete an administrative office from the contract, select Delete from the Actions menu on the office row.
Note: You cannot remove an administrative office from the contract while it is active.
Click the Save button to apply your changes to the system (including deleted information). The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
Administrative offices can be added to the contract on this component and then activated for the contract.
When adding the first administrative office for a contract, if you select an office with an office level higher than one, the system automatically adds all of the lower level offices associated with that office in reference data. If needed, you can change any of these lower level offices by deleting the row and adding another office at the same level. After the first administrative office has been activated for the contract, you can add additional offices, but the system no longer automatically adds the lower level offices.
Only one office from each level can be activated for the contract at a time. That is, if you add more than one office at the same level, the active period between the effective and expiration dates for the two offices must not overlap.
Follow these steps to add one or more new administrative offices to this contract:
On the Contract Administration Summary, click the Administrative Offices tab, and then click the Select Administrative Office button.
The system displays a modal window for selecting administrative offices.
In the modal window, locate the office you want to associate with the contract by typing criteria (or a level number) in the Quick Find search box.
The system lists all the available offices that meet your search criteria. If you entered a level number, the system lists all the offices available at that level.
Click the row for the office you want to add.
The system adds a check mark beside the office you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.
Click the Add to Contract button.
The system closes the modal window and takes you to the Administrative Offices tab of the Contract Administration Summary with the new administrative office added to the list.
To activate the office for the contract, expand the new office row and enter values in the Effective Date and Status fields. It is not required, but if your agency requires an Expiration Date, enter that date as well.
Click Save.