Importing Item Mappings

Follow these steps to create a one-time mapping of items from an old spec book to a new spec book:

  1. Format the mapping data in a CSV file as follows:

    Previous Item ID,New Item ID,Spec Book,Unit System,Unit of Measure

    • Note:The Spec Book, Unit System, and Unit of Measure values pertain to the new item. 

  2. From any page in the system, select Import File from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar.

    The system takes you to the Import component.

  3. Click the Select File button.

    The system opens a Choose File to Upload window.

  4. In the Choose File to Upload window, locate the file you want to import, select it, and click the Open button.

    The system closes the window and validates the selected file. The validated file name is displayed in the Import component.

  5. Click the Import button on the component header to begin the import.

    When the process completes, the system displays a message on the component header indicating that the import was successful and the process history ID. You can view the resulting output files on the Process History Overview component (see Viewing Process History).


Related topics:

Changing a Reference Item

Maintaining Item Mapping Information


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