Final Detail Estimate

The Final Detail Estimate is a group of reports that uses bid prices from either the awarded vendor or the valid low bidder to provide a project, prime project, or proposal view of costs, including add-on percentages and funding breakdowns.

The Final Detail Estimate is comprised of six individual reports:

When you generate the Final Detail Estimate, you can choose to include one, several, or all of these reports.

By default, the Final Detail Estimate can be generated for a single proposal on the Proposal Overview or Summary components. You can generate the report for all the proposals in a bid letting on the Bid Letting Overview, or for the low bidder or bidders in a bid letting on the Bid Letting Summary page.

You can generate the Final Detail Estimate for a single project on the Project Overview or Summary components. You can generate the Final Detail Estimate for a single prime project on the Prime Project Overview or Summary components.

You can generate the Final Detail Estimate for multiple projects, prime projects, or proposals by selecting Generate Report from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar. For more information, see Working with Reports.

Related topics:

Preliminary Detail Estimate


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