Editing the Business Metadata

The Business Metadata Summary component contains information that determines display aspects and business functions of the entity, such as field labels, default field values, and zero fill character fields. This information is called business metadata. Metadata is essentially data that describes other data. The metadata for web-based AASHTOWare Project is presented in XML format.

For detailed information about the business metadata that can assist you when making customizations, refer to the Web_Based_Project_Business_Metadata_Documentation.html file, available from the Documentation folder in the installation.zip file.

To access the Business Metadata Summary, click the Entities link on the System Administration component. Locate the appropriate entity in the list on the Entity Overview component and click the link in the Entity ID field.

By editing the business metadata, you can customize an entity to display information in a way more useful to your agency. Information in the component is grouped in three tabs, located on the left side of the component. Use the three tabs as described below to customize the entity.

Custom Metadata

This tab displays the current business metadata for the selected entity, and if the entity is able to be cached, the Cache check box (see Disabling Database Caching for an Entity).

If your agency has already customized the entity, the Fields text box on this tab displays the customized business metadata. The Label field displays the custom entity name, if any. If customizations have not been made to the entity, the Fields text box and Label field are empty.

Follow these steps to customize the entity:

  1. Click the Base Metadata tab and copy the base metadata to the Fields text box on the Custom Metadata tab.

  2. Edit the text you copied into the Fields text box to make the changes you want. For more information about using the code editor text box, see Using the Code Editor Text Box.

  3. When you have finished editing the business metadata, click the Save button to save your changes.

    The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

  4. Note: When adding a validation such as the IsNumber validation to a field, remember that all tables that contain that field must also be updated with that validation.

Base Metadata

This tab displays a read-only copy of the base (default) business metadata for the entity as it was shipped with the application. You can copy XML information from this tab and paste it into the business metadata on the Agency Metadata tab.

The information on this tab is helpful when your agency is updating to a new version of web-based AASHTOWare Project and a new field has been added to the page.

Agency Metadata

This tab displays a read-only list of any available agency fields for the entity. When adding your agency's custom fields to the system, you can copy information from this tab and paste it into the business metadata on the Custom Metadata tab. For more information about adding agency custom fields, see Adding Agency Fields.

Using the Code Editor Text Box

Code Editor text boxes are available on components where you customize system metadata. Clicking the magnifying glass button on the right side of the text box opens a secondary window that displays XML or IronPython code in numbered rows. This window provides basic code editing features, such as syntax color coding and indentation, in-line error and warning syntax validations, and the ability to expand and collapse elements.

While this window is open, pressing the tab key advances the cursor only within the text window; it will not advance the cursor to other areas of the page. Also, using your browser's search function (CTRL+F) will only search text that is currently visible on the component. To search the entire contents of the text window, click anywhere inside the window and press CTRL+F. A search field for use only in searching the contents of the window appears in the upper right corner of the window.

Disabling Database Caching for an Entity

The web-based AASHTOWare Project software uses the Redis data structure store as a message broker to assist with caching database queries and improving overall system performance. If your agency uses triggers or other applications to update the database directly (thereby, circumventing the AASHTOWare business layer security), unexpected errors may occur because the AASHTOWare business layer is not informed of those changes and cached data may overwrite information that was entered by direct updates.

The Cache check box on the Custom Metadata tab controls whether caching is enabled for the entity.  If your agency uses triggers or other applications to update a specific entity database table, you are encouraged to clear this check box to minimize potential errors.

Related topics:

Customizing Entities

Adding Agency Fields

Setting Custom Field Default Values

Customizing Field Labels and Locations

Creating Zero Fill Character Fields

Configuring Dependent and Controlling Fields


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