Copying a Category

If you are adding a new category to a project that is similar to another category, you can create a copy of the existing category and assign it a new Category ID. This saves the time it would take to enter all the category detail information again. You can then make any minor changes required for the new category.

You can copy a category to the current project or another project, and choose whether to include associated data such as locations, funds, and alternate sets.

Follow these steps to copy a category:

  1. On the Project Summary component, click the Categories and Items Quick link.

  2. On the Project Category and Item Summary component, click the Categories tab

  3. Locate the category you want to copy, and select Copy from the Actions menu on the category row.

    The system takes you to the Copy Category component.

  4. If you are copying the category to a different project, enter the destination project's ID in the Project ID field.

  5. Click in the Category ID field, and replace the value with a unique ID for the new category.

  6. If you are copying the category to a different project and want to copy associated information to the new category, select the appropriate check boxes for the type of data you want to copy: Copy Fund Packages, Copy Alternate Sets, and Copy Locations.

    Note: These check boxes are not available unless you modified the value in the Project ID field.

  7. Click the Copy Category to Project button on the component header.

The system validates the new Category ID, adds the new category to the destination project, and takes you back to the Categories tab.  

When you copy a category to the same project, all the information in the source category is copied to the new category with the following exceptions and differences:

When you copy a category to another project, all the information in the source category is copied to the new category with the following exceptions and differences:

Related topics:

Managing Categories and Items


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