Clearing Bid History Profile Source Data

A Bid History Profile can contain a list of item source data and may be cleared if needed.

You can clear the historical source data at any time by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to a Bid History Profile Summary.

  2. Click on the Bid History Profile Summary component Actions menu.

  3. Select Clear Bid History Profile Source Data. The system takes you to the Execute Process component. 

  4. Click the Execute button on the component header to run the process.

    The Process 'GenerateBidHistoryProfileSourceData' Started message will be prompted. (To check the status of executing the process go to Open Process History on the global Actions menu. See Viewing System Process History).

  5. When the process has finished, navigate back to the Bid History Profile Summary.

  6. Click the Source Data tab.

    The list of items source data is cleared.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Bid History Profile

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