Changing a Project's Spec Book

You can change a project's Spec Book as long as the project has not yet been assigned to a proposal.

The process by which the system changes a project's spec book is to create a copy of the project, rename the source project, and then update the items in the new project according to the new assigned spec book.

Any cost estimates associated with the project are also copied and updated with the new spec book. The following cost estimate child records are included in the copy process and updated with the new spec book: items, task groups, reference price tasks, bid-based tasks, cost sheet tasks, contingency assignment profiles, typical section profiles, life cycle maintenance schedule profiles, and maintenance milestone items.

Follow these steps to change a project's spec book:

  1. From the Preconstruction component, click the Projects link.

  2. In the Project Overview component, locate the project whose spec book you want to change.

  3. Select Change Project Spec Book from the Actions menu on the project row.

    The system opens a modal window where you can specify the new spec book for the project.

  4. Click in the Source Project ID field, and type a unique ID that will be used to rename the source project.

  5. Click in the Destination Spec Book field, and type the name of the new spec book you want to assign to the project.

  6. Click Save.

The system copies the project and associated cost estimates, updates the items according to the new spec book, and displays the project on the Project Summary component. Any associated cost estimate child records are also copied and updated.

No longer included in the project and associated cost estimates are:

The system creates lists of all the items that were excluded from the project and associated cost estimates for these reasons and attaches each list as a text file (called ProjectItemsNotCopied.txt and EstimationItemsNotCopied.txt) to the source project. To view this list, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Project Overview component, and locate the source project.  

  2. Select Attachments from the Actions menu on the project's row.

    The system takes you to the Attachments Overview component, which lists all the files attached to the project.

  3. Locate the ProjectItemsNotCopied.txt or EstimationItemsNotCopied.txt file, as appropriate, and click the file name link. For more information, see Working with Attachments.


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