Adding a Typical Section Profile

A typical section profile represents a standard design for a typical section of road work, including detail items needed to complete the work. Typical sections can be used repeatedly in a cost estimate.

The system provides a guided process that enables you to add new typical section profiles to the system. To add a new profile, perform these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Typical Section Profile Overview, and then select Add from the Actions menu on the component header.

    The Add Typical Section Profile component opens on Step 1 - Define Profile.

  2. To save the new profile, you must enter values in the Profile Name, Spec Book, Unit System, Unit of Measure, and Typical Section Quantity fields. You can optionally enter a Profile Description and Obsolete Date.

  3. When you are finished, click Next.

    The guided process displays Step 2 - Assign Items. The system lists reference items that match your criteria. Items are listed only if they are not parametric items and if they share the same spec book and unit system as the new profile. You can click Previous at any time to return to a previous step. To cancel the add process and return to the Typical Section Profile Overview, click the Overview quick link.

  4. You can locate a specific item by entering criteria in the Quick Find search box.

  5. Click an item row to select it.

    A check mark appears at the beginning of the row to indicate it is selected. Continue selecting item rows as needed. You can click a row again to clear the selection.

  6. When you are finished selecting items, click Next.

    The guided process displays Step 3 - Define Variables with an empty variable row.

  7. To save the new variable, you must enter values in the Variable Name and Value fields. You can optionally enter a value in the Description field.

  8. To add another variable, click the New button.

    The system adds a new variable row. You can continue adding variables as needed. To delete a variable row, click the Delete button on the right of the row.

  9. When you are finished adding variables, click Next.

    The guided process displays Step 3 - Define Calculations. Each row represents one item you added to the profile and includes read-only values in the Typical Item, Description, and Unit fields.

  10. For each typical item, you must enter a value in the Item Quantity per Unit field.

  11. When you are finished, click Create Profile.

    The system adds a new profile and displays it on the Typical Section Profile Summary. For more information, see Maintaining a Typical Section Profile.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Typical Section Profile


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