A DSR material is made up of one or more source material facility material identifications (SMFMIs). To add an SMFMI to a DSR material, locate the material on the Materials tab on the Daily Source Report Summary, and select Add New SMFMI from the Actions menu on the material row. The system takes you to the Add Source Material Facility Material Identification for DSR Material component.
To save a new SMFMI to the DSR material, you must enter information in this field:
It is not required, but you can enter or view information in these fields:
Note: See Understanding Calculations on SMFMIs for information about the SMFMI Inventory Quantity equation the system uses for calculations.
Note: A unique SMFMI can only be added to a unique DSR material once.
Note: If the agency option Enable Global SMFMI Authority By Default is set to True, global SMFMI authority is automatically enabled when a new SMFMI is created by a person who is assigned an appropriate source management level.
Click Save when you are finished. The system takes you to the Materials tab on the Daily Source Report Summary and displays a message to confirm that the new SMFMI was saved in the database.
Maintaining a Daily Source Report