Adding a NAICS Code

Vendor Work codes are used to classify a vendor's type of business in reports required by the federal and state government agencies that provide DBE programs.

To add a new NAICS code for this vendor, click the New button in the NAICS section on the Work Codes tab. Enter information in these fields:

NAICS Code IDs are unique for active records. You cannot have multiple records with the same NAICS Code ID.  

It is not required, but you can enter information in these fields to record additional information for the NAICS code:

You can only have one NAICS code flagged as Primary NAICS Code for active records.

When you have finished adding information, save the new NAICS Code by clicking the Save button. Once created, the new NAICS code cannot be deleted. The system displays a message to confirm that the new NAICS Code was added to the system.

If you want to add more than one NAICS code, click the New button when you have finished entering information for the current NAICS code row. The system automatically saves the current NAICS code in the system and displays a new blank row. Follow the same steps to continue adding as many NAICS codes as needed.

Related topics:

Maintaining Work Codes


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