Working with Pricing Profiles

A pricing profile is a collection of settings used to gather historical bid data for pricing items in Preconstruction. This collection of settings determines which historical bid data is included in the calculations generated by the pricing service. For example, a pricing profile can indicate whether to include only bid data for proposals that have a given work type or use a selected spec book.

A pricing profile can also indicate a range of dates so that bid data is included only for proposals that were let during that time period. Advanced parameters and filters can be used to identify data that matches exact characteristics. Your agency can create multiple pricing profiles that can be used for different types of pricing models and different types of projects.

To access the Overview, click the Pricing Profiles link in the Data Analytics component.

The Pricing Profile Overview component displays a list of all the pricing profiles recorded in the system. For each profile in the list, the system displays values in these fields:

To view or change a pricing profile, either click the Pricing Profile link, or select Open from the Actions menu on the profile row. For more information, see Maintaining a Pricing Profile.

To add a new pricing profile, select Add from the Actions menu on the component header. For more information, see Adding a Pricing Profile.

If you want to add a pricing profile that is similar to an existing profile, you can save time by copying the existing profile and then changing any details as needed. To copy a pricing profile, select Copy from the Actions menu on the profile row you want to copy. The system displays a modal window for naming the new profile. Enter a unique name in the New Pricing Profile Name field and click the Copy button. The system adds the new profile to the bottom of the list.

To delete a pricing profile, select Delete from the Actions menu on the profile row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

Click the Save button when you are finished. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

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