In this Topic
Many system components contain lists of rows for a type of data, such as projects or proposals. You can browse list information using the scroll bar on the right side of the component.
You will use several different types of lists in the application:
Simple lists are read-only lists of information. If the rows in a simple list contain enough information, they may be collapsed or expanded.
Rolling lists typically contain only a few fields, and no more than two lines of information per row. Rolling lists are used for quick entry, maintenance, or view. When you open a rolling list, the first row in the list is selected by default. When adding information, new rows are added at the bottom of the list as data is entered, allowing you to move easily from completing one row to the next.
Accordion lists are used to manage rows that require input into more fields than allowed in a rolling list. A row in an accordion list can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the expand/collapse button . One row of information can be edited at a time while other rows are collapsed. Selecting a collapsed row expands the row to display all the information. A row in an accordion list may also contain a subordinate accordion list. The subordinate list is displayed when a row in the primary list is expanded.
Grid layout lists (called worksheets) allow you to work with data in a worksheet view style, adding and changing information directly in the worksheet. For more information, see Working with Worksheets.
To make it easier to find specific information, you can filter and sort the rows in all types of lists. For more information, see Sorting and Filtering Lists.
Some lists contain links that take you to a Summary component for a specific record.
Some components allow data in lists to be grouped relative to a field from that list. For example, in the Project Item Alternate Summary component, the project items are grouped by category (the value in the Cat ID field).
The contents of groups can contain rolling lists or accordion lists of rows, and you can expand or collapse rows within groups by clicking the expand/collapse button. You can also expand or collapse all the grouped lists in the component at once by clicking the Expand All or Collapse All link located at the top right of the list.
Grouped associations are similar to grouped lists, except that the data is grouped according to an association between multiple entities, not a field contained in the list. For example, in the Bidder/Quoter Summary component, the quoters associated to each bidder are grouped in a list under the bidder's row.
As in grouped lists, the contents of grouped associations can contain rolling lists or accordion lists of rows, and you can expand or collapse rows within groups by clicking an expand/collapse button. You can also expand or collapse all the grouped lists in the component at once by clicking the Expand All or Collapse All link located at the top right of the list.
To select a single data row, click anywhere inside the row. The system adds a check mark beside each row you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.
For processes that allow more than one data row to be selected at a time, you can use these features to select multiple rows in a component:
Select a range of rows by clicking the first row in the range, then pressing the Shift key and holding it down while clicking the last row in the range. The system selects all the rows in between the first and last selected rows.
Select all the rows that match your search criteria by clicking the Select: All option just above the list headers.
To clear multiple selections in a modal window list, click the Select: None option just above the list headers.