Viewing Cost Summary Information

The Cost Summary tab on the Cost Estimate Summary displays totals calculated as a result of the settings, variables, and other information currently recorded for the cost estimate. When you change information on any of the tabs in the Cost Estimate Summary and then save your changes, the system updates the totals on the Cost Summary tab automatically.

The Cost Estimate Total is displayed at the top of the summary. If changes have been made but not saved on any of the tabs in the Cost Estimate Summary component, the Cost Estimate Total value is not visible. When you save the changes, the updated total is displayed.

Below the Cost Estimate Total, additional information is grouped into collapsible sections.

In the Base Cost Estimate section, you can view information in these fields:

In the Other Costs section, you can view information in these fields:

In the Cost Category Breakdown section, you can view information in these fields:

Related topics:

Managing Cost Estimates

Maintaining a Cost Estimate


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