Submitting Contract Vendor Payrolls for Subcontractors

The Sign Payroll component on the Submit for Contractor page provides a guided process by which an authorized prime contractor can review, verify, and submit a contract vendor payroll on behalf of one of his subcontractors. To access this component, navigate to the External Certified Payroll component for the subcontractor's payroll and locate the contract and vendor and select Submit for Subcontractor from the Actions menu on the component header.

Three steps are required in the guided process to submit the payroll for the subcontractor. Follow these steps:

  1. Review the payroll data displayed in Step 1. When you have determined the information in the payroll is correct for this pay period, click the Next button at the bottom of the component.

  2. Review the verification requirement, and click the Next button to proceed. You can click the Previous button to return to the payroll data if needed.

  3. Enter required information in these fields for Step 3:

     - Submission Method

     - Subcontractor's Payroll Signer

     - Subcontractor's Payroll Signed Date

    You can click the Previous button to return to the payroll verification if needed.

  4. It is not required, but you can enter any information you need to record for the payroll record in the Comments field.

  5. Submit the payroll by clicking the Submit Payroll button.

    The system verifies that you are authorized to submit the payroll and then sets the payroll record to read-only to prevent any future changes. The Payroll Summary and Proxy Verification reports are attached to the certified payroll in PDF format.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Payroll Record


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