A modal window is a secondary pop-up window associated with a component. While a modal window is open, you cannot work in the associated component, but you can reposition the modal window to view information behind it. Modal windows are used when you add one or more rows of data to an entity. For example, when you add projects to a proposal, you use a modal window to select the projects you want to add.
Each modal window includes a Quick Find search box to help you find the data you want to add. To select data to add, click anywhere inside its row. The system adds a check mark beside each row you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.
Some processes allow more than one row to be added at a time, and for those you can select multiple rows in the selection modal window. You can also use these features to select multiple rows of data:
Select a range of rows by clicking the first row in the range, then pressing the Shift key and holding it down while clicking the last row in the range. The system selects all the rows in between the first and last selected rows.
Select all the rows that match your search criteria by clicking the Select: All option at the top of the list.
To clear multiple selections in a modal window list, click the Select: None option at the top of the list.
When you have selected all the data you want to add in a selection modal window, click the Add button. If you are working with a long list, you can click the Top of Window link to quickly return to the top of the list.
The system closes the modal window and takes you back to the component where you were working with the new data added to the list.